mpfserver Manual
 mpf:upload | upload files from client to server

upload files from client to server

integrated backup and automatic versioning functionality

{mpf:upload  }
absolute path of folder to store files into.
the following upload-modes may be set:
overwrite replace existing files (default) 
protect do not upload if file exists 
backup create backup of replaced files (incremental) 
version replace latest available version 
newversion create new version if file exists 
set name of file-input field, if you want to upload files from a specific file-input field (and not from all available file-input fields)
you may restrict maximum file size allowed to be uploaded - there is no limitation, if this parameter is not set
if this parameter is set, then only listet mime-types may be uploaded (e.g. text/plain,text/html,...)
use this parameter if folder does not exist on server and if you want it to be created.
|| convert=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert file path before condition check
|| encode=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode file path to another format before condition check
|| trim=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from file path before condition check
|| convert_section=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert section data (for use with closing token only)
|| parse_section=[yes|no]
parse section data for mpf-tokens (for use with closing token only)
|| encode_section=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode section data to another format (for use with closing token only)
|| trim_section=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from section data (for use with closing token only)
|| [opr][condition]
condition may be used to check file path/name
accessing attributes of uploaded files
the follwing attributes are available:
filename filename 
mime filetype 
display upload errors
the follwing errors may occur:
upload upload not successful 
exist file does exist (if "mode=protected" is set) 
size file size to big (if "maxsize=xxx" is set) 
accept file type not accepted (if "accept=xxx" is set) 
Errors can be accessed using the following token structure:
... file {mpf:upload/filename/1} could not be uploaded ...
... file {mpf:upload/filename/2} was not accepted ...
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).