mpfserver Manual
 mpf:save | create text-files and append data

create and/or manipulate text-based files (html,xml,csv,...)

integrated functionality for automatic file versioning

{mpf:save  }
absolute or relative file path/name
string to save (required if used as single token, without closing token)
version save to latest availavle version 
newversion create new version of file if saved (e.g. myfile.xml, myfile1.xml, myfile2.xml, ...) 
append append data at end of given file 
remove remove data form given file 
|| convert=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert string before saving string
|| encode=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode string to another format before saving
|| trim=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from string before saving
|| convert_section=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert section data (for use with closing token only)
|| parse_section=[yes|no]
parse section data for mpf-tokens (for use with closing token only)
|| encode_section=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode section data to another format (for use with closing token only)
|| trim_section=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from section data (for use with closing token only)
|| [opr][condition]
condition may be used to check string before saving
file/folder created automatically
file and folder (that will contain file) will be automatically created if they do not exist
overwrites existing files
files will be overwritten without any comment if they do exist
file versioning

file extension is not required (system checks if extension is available)

default file (myfile.xml) must not end with numeric value (except version number)
page formatting
you may use "\n" for line breaks, "\r" for carriage returns and "\t" for tabulator spaces
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).