mpfserver Manual
 mpf:mail | sending data by e-mail

send messages via email (with or without a user interface)

{mpf:mail  }
email address of receiver, if you want to send message to several email addresses use "empty space" and/or ";" to separate them (e.g.;
subject of message
message body to send (required if used as single token, without closing token)
priority will be set to normal if this parameter is missing
name of sender (e.g. Marco Thomann)
email address of sender (e.g.
||cc=[email list]
Use this parameter if you want to send a copy of your mail to another address.
||bcc=[email list]
Use this parameter if you want to send blind copies of your mail.
address of smtp-server (e.g. In general, "username" and "password"-parameter are required to login
port number of smtp-server ("server"-parameter must be set). Default port number is 25.
username for authentification ("server"-parameter must be set)
password for authentification ("server"-parameter must be set)
name/path of local file to attach ("server"-parameter must be set). You may use this parameter several times if you want to attach more than one file.
You must set this parameter if you want uploaded files to be attached to mail. Files must be uploaded using: enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"
|| convert=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert message body before sending
|| encode=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode message body before sending to another format
|| trim=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from message body before sending
|| convert_section=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert section data (for use with closing token only)
|| parse_section=[yes|no]
parse section data for mpf-tokens (for use with closing token only)
|| encode_section=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode section data to another format (for use with closing token only)
|| trim_section=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from section data (for use with closing token only)
|| [opr][condition]
condition may be used to check message body before sending
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).