= | [myemail]  |
email address of receiver, if you want to send message to several email addresses use "empty space" and/or ";" to separate them (e.g. a@test.com;b@test.com c@test.com)
|| | subject=[mysubject] |
subject of message
|| | data=[mymessage] |
message body to send (required if used as single token, without closing token)
|| | priority=[high|normal|low] |
priority will be set to normal if this parameter is missing
|| | from_name=[myName] |
name of sender (e.g. Marco Thomann)
|| | from_addr=[myAddress] |
email address of sender (e.g. info@master-p-formance.ch)
|| | cc=[email list] |
Use this parameter if you want to send a copy of your mail to another address.
|| | bcc=[email list] |
Use this parameter if you want to send blind copies of your mail.
|| | server=[myAddress] |
address of smtp-server (e.g. smtp.master-p-formance.ch). In general, "username" and "password"-parameter are required to login
|| | port=[myPort] |
port number of smtp-server ("server"-parameter must be set). Default port number is 25.
|| | username=[myName] |
username for authentification ("server"-parameter must be set)
|| | password=[myPassword] |
password for authentification ("server"-parameter must be set)
|| | attach=[myLocalFile] |
name/path of local file to attach ("server"-parameter must be set). You may use this parameter several times if you want to attach more than one file.
|| | attach_uploaded |
You must set this parameter if you want uploaded files to be attached to mail. Files must be uploaded using: enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"
|| |
convert message body before sending
|| |
encode message body before sending to another format
|| |
remove whitespaces from message body before sending
|| |
convert section data (for use with closing token only)
|| |
parse section data for mpf-tokens (for use with closing token only)
|| |
encode section data to another format (for use with closing token only)
|| |
remove whitespaces from section data (for use with closing token only)
|| |
condition may be used to check message body before sending