mpfserver Manual
 mpf:dir | list content of directories

display a list/tree of files and folders (use with closing token)

check if directory does exist (use as single token)

{mpf:dir  }
any relative or absolute folder path/name
you may use GET-/POST-parameters to pass value to "expand"-parameter
if you want to begin a directory-tree within a dir-token list, then you may use this parameter to correct directory-depth by given offset.
|| convert=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert folder name/path [myfolder]
|| encode=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode folder name/path [myfolder] to another format
|| trim=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from folder name/path [myfolder]
|| convert_section=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert section data (for use with closing token only)
|| parse_section=[yes|no]
parse section data for mpf-tokens (for use with closing token only)
|| encode_section=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode section data to another format (for use with closing token only)
|| trim_section=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from section data (for use with closing token only)
|| [opr][condition]
condition may be used to restrict list (e.g. return files or folders only). check will be done on every item in list
acessing file-/folder-attributes
[token] [attribute] 
dir/ name filename 
 fo path of (containing) folder 
 path filepath 
 subpath file subpath 
 root file root-path 
 modified date of last modification [mm/dd/yyyy] 
 size size of file/folder [KB] 
 type file type (file|dir) 
 url file url 
 depth file depth in tree (1...n) 
 expanded expanded (y|n) 
 last last in actual depth (y|n) 
 tree last in any depth (y|n) 

attributes are available only, if "dir="-token is used with closing token

to access file-/folder-attributes you must use "dir/" instead of "dir="
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).