mpfserver Manual
 mpf:date | check/create dates

display server date or check/create dates in future/past (with predefined or individual formatting settings)

use preconfigured date-formats or easily assemble your own date-formats using several [date-type]-keywords

{mpf:date  }
iso [yyyy-mm-dd] 
iso_short [yy-mm-dd] 
iso_long [yyyy-mm-dd 23:59:00] 
us [mm/dd/yyyy] 
us_short [mm/dd/yy] 
us_long [mm/dd/yyyy 23:59:00] 
eu [] 
eu_short [] 
eu_long [ 23:59:00] 
year [yyyy] 
year_short [yy] 
month [mm] 
week [52] 
day [dd] 
day_short [d] 
day_time [am|pm] 
day_week [sunday=0, monday=1, ...] 
time [23:59] 
time12 [11:59] 
timesec [23:59:00] 
timesec12 [11:59:00] 
hour [23] 
hour12 [11] 
min [minutes] 
sec [seconds] 
string to create date from. if you search for 13/20/2000, function will recognize that you are looking for 01/20/2001
|| convert=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert date value string
|| encode=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode date value to another format
|| trim=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from date value
|| convert_section=[lowercase|uppercase|upperfirst]
convert section data (for use with closing token only)
|| parse_section=[yes|no]
parse section data for mpf-tokens (for use with closing token only)
|| encode_section=[url|html|html-chars|crypt]
encode section data to another format (for use with closing token only)
|| trim_section=[left|right|both]
remove whitespaces from section data (for use with closing token only)
|| [opr][condition]
condition may be used to check date value. date-marker (#) is optional - date-conversion will be done anyway
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).