mpfserver Manual
 Date/String operations | Date/String operations
 convert string (uppercase, lowercase, ...) mpf:convert 
convert string (uppercase, lowercase, ...)
 check/create dates mpf:date 
check/create dates
 encode string (html, url, ...) mpf:encode 
encode string (html, url, ...)
 measure length of specific string mpf:len 
measure length of specific string
 find first/last occurence of sub-string in string mpf:pos 
find first/last occurence of sub-string in string
 replace data in string mpf:replace 
replace data in string
 extract sub-string from string mpf:sub 
extract sub-string from string
 trim data (remove whitespaces from string) mpf:trim 
trim data (remove whitespaces from string)
 assemble URL-strings mpf:url 
assemble URL-strings
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).