mpfserver Manual
 System Variables | Reserved/Required System Variables
Variable store (system variables)
You may configure mpfserver fully by yoursef if you want to. This section shows you the structure of system configuration variables.
Please be careful overwriting system variables (e.g. setting a variable named "server" would overwrite whole server configuration). You must know what you are doing!
Server configuration
This variable contains server configuration information and is needed to make mpfserver work.
Description  mpf:token  example 
mpfserver version  {mpf:server/version}  mpfserver-x.x.x. (PHP) 
public root path  {mpf:server/root} 
local root path  {mpf:server/root-local}  E:/mpf.cms/ 
script filename  {mpf:server/script}  index.php 
name of the parameter to reference a page  {mpf:server/id}  pid 
public url path (including script filename)  {mpf:base/url} 
public url path (including script filename and language parameter)  {mpf:server/url} 
url of current page  {mpf:link/url} 
target url for redirection  {mpf:server/redirect}  this (=actual page) 
Session variables
This variable contains values that are valid until user session expires (if session mode is turned on).
Description  mpf:token 
id for user session  {mpf:session/id} 
IP-Address of session user  {mpf:session/ip} 
session start time (UNIX format)  {mpf:session/start} 
user id  {mpf:session/user/id} 
the group the user belongs to  {mpf:session/user/group} 
Java extensions
This variable contains information about mpfserver extensions for Java environments.
Description  mpf:token  example 
Java CGI-file  {mpf:java/cgi}  E:/j2sdk/bin/java.exe 
Java divider  {mpf:java/divider}  : (UNIX)
; (WIN) 
mpfserver  {mpf:java/mpfserver}  mpfserver.jaxp (JRE 1.4)
mpfserver.xerces (JRE 1.2) 
java classes  {mpf:java/class/key E:/@java/mpfserver.jar 
Debugging information
This variable contains debugging information if errors occured.
Description  mpf:token 
debugger variable tree  {mpf:debug/key/key/...
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).