mpfserver Manual
 Conversions | conversion parameters
parse string
yes parsing forced 
no no extra parsing (default) 
trim string
left remove whitespaces at the beginning 
right remove whitespaces at the end 
both remove whitespaces at the beginning and the end 
convert string
uppercase convert the whole string to uppercase 
lowercase convert the whole string to lowercase 
upperfirst convert first character to uppercase 
text remove html tags 
plain convert to plain text 
htmlbody extract body of html file 
encode string
url convert to URL-format 
html convert all html entities 
html-chars convert html special characters only 
sql escape special characters 
crypt replace each character by * 
base64 base64 encode string 
js escape for use in JavaScript 
ajax escape for use in Ajax 
qp quoted printable encode 
iso make sure we get an ISO encoded string 
binhex binary to hexadecimal 
dechex decimal to hexadecimal 
rtf encode for use in RTF file format 
link add "http://"-protocol to links if missing 
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).