mpfserver Manual
 Conditions | condition parameter
Parameter structure
the following token will display content of "myVar" if it is a valid e-mail address
Condition operators [opr]
== must be equal 
!= must not be equal 
++ must be bigger than 
+= must be bigger than or equal to 
-- must be smaller than 
-= must be smaller than or equal to 
@@ must be present in string 
!@ must not be present in string 
^^ must be at beginning of string 
!^ must not be at beginning string 
Condition values [condition]
is_email check if valid e-mail address (use condition operators == or !=) 
#yyyy-mm-dd ISO-date [1970-01-20] 
#mm/dd/yyyy us-date [01/20/1970] 
#mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm us-date [01/20/1970 23:59] 
#mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss us-date [01/20/1970 23:59:00] eu-date [20.01.1970] hh:mm eu-date [20.01.1970 23:59] hh:mm:ss eu-date [20.01.1970 23:59:00] 
[...] any string or numeric value 
use prefix # for conditions in date-format to make sure they are compared correctly (dates will be compared as string if # is missing)
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).