mpfserver Manual
 File operations | File operations
 list content of directories mpf:dir 
list content of directories
 retrieve file attributes mpf:file 
retrieve file attributes
 import content of text-files mpf:include 
import content of text-files
 loads a php script file (once) mpf:require 
loads a php script file (once)
 create text-files and append data mpf:save 
create text-files and append data
 send a file directly to client mpf:passthru 
send a file directly to client
 generating PDFs from HTML-string mpf:pdf 
generating PDFs from HTML-string
 importing vCard mpf:vcard 
importing vCard
 create/read zip-archives mpf:zip 
create/read zip-archives
 create/read tar-archives mpf:tar 
create/read tar-archives
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).