mpfserver Manual
 Use Cases | Learn more about use of mpfserver
 Use of mpf:tokens with JavaScript JavaScript (Netscape) 
Use of mpf:tokens with JavaScript
 Use of mpf:tokens with Java Applets Java Applets (Sun) 
Use of mpf:tokens with Java Applets
 Interaction with Java Servlets (Server Side Applets) Java Servlets (Sun) 
Interaction with Java Servlets (Server Side Applets)
 Interaction with (Enterprise) Java Beans Java Beans (Sun) 
Interaction with (Enterprise) Java Beans
 Dynamically generated pages (PHP, JSP, ASP) Dynamic Pages 
Dynamically generated pages (PHP, JSP, ASP)
 Using Common Gateway Interface CGI-programs 
Using Common Gateway Interface
 Information about passing data to Flash Passing data to Flash 
Information about passing data to Flash
 Interaction with Server Side Includes (SSI) Server Side Includes 
Interaction with Server Side Includes (SSI)
 Learn how to launch batch-files batch-files (*.bat) 
Learn how to launch batch-files
 Interaction with Microsoft Scripts VBScript/JScript (MS) 
Interaction with Microsoft Scripts
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).