mpfserver Manual
 VBScript/JScript (MS) | Interaction with Microsoft Scripts
You may use mpf:tokens with any version of client-side VBScript (Visual Basic script) or JScript (VBScript using Java-like syntax).
Client-side scripts
You may use mpf:tokens within Client-side scripts, but keep in mind that Microsoft scripts does work with Internet Explorer only.
<script language="VBScript">
   document.write('Hello {mpf:session/user/name}')
Server-side scripts
You may call external VBS-scripts (*.vbs) or JScripts (*.js) on your Webserver by using "mpf:exec"-token.
{mpf:exec=cscript E:/test.vbs}
See if "cscript.exe" is available in your "WINNT/system32"-folder - otherwise this will not work.
Be careful with WSH - this token cannot talk to message- and input-boxes (such things would delay response)
script must return values to standard output:
set output = wscript.StdOut
output.WriteLine("Hello World")
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).