mpfserver Manual
 mpfserver | application services server
What is mpfserver?
Basically, mpfserver is a wrapper class for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor that allows you to create Web-based business applications.
It provides a template parser that lets you separate interface- and programming logic.
mpfserver is not limited to text-files like HTML or XML. You may also output binary formats like PDF for example.
Template Parser
"mpf:"-tokens can do things like storing/retrieving session values, connecting databases and filesystems, sending emails, retrieving information about server environment and much more.
You may use "mpf:"-tokens anywhere in your templates, because they are going to be replaced before sending the response to a client.
Token Library
There are dozens of different tokens, so you may think it is almost like a whole scripting language by itself. It is not meant to be.
Yes, there are quite a few standard tokens you may use, but if you want to make use of advanced features, you must implement your own tokens. It's actually pretty simple to do so.
2004 by master-p-formance.All rights reserved.
This manual is generated on the fly using mpfserver and MPFT (mpf transformation).